Jonah Jonah’s Angry Response 5th July 2015 Bible Text: Jonah 4:1-3 | Preacher: Phil Wallis | Series: Jonah
Jonah Jonah and the Ninevites 7th June 2015 Bible Text: Jonah 3:3-10 | Preacher: Paul Norris | Series: Jonah
Jonah The God of the Second Chance 17th May 2015 Bible Text: Jonah 3:1-3 | Preacher: Martin Eaton | Series: Jonah
Jonah Jonah’s Grateful Prayer 10th May 2015 Bible Text: Jonah 1:14-2:10 | Preacher: Paul Norris | Series: Jonah
Jonah Jonah and the Sailors 26th April 2015 Bible Text: Jonah 1:4-16 | Preacher: Paul Norris | Series: Jonah
Jonah Jonah: Commissioning & Flight 19th April 2015 Bible Text: Jonah 1:1-3 | Preacher: Paul Norris | Series: Jonah