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Freedom in Grace

30th October 2011
Bible Text: Romans 3:21-26 | Preacher: Paul Norris | Series: Freedom

Freedom to give

23rd October 2011
Bible Text: 2 Corinthians 8:1-9 | Preacher: Martin Eaton | Series: Freedom

Called to Freedom

16th October 2011
Bible Text: Romans 6:7 | Preacher: Jared Hodgson | Series: Freedom

Our Vision

4th September 2011
Bible Text: John 13:34-35 | Preacher: Paul Norris

On a mission

17th July 2011
Bible Text: Acts 8:26-40 | Preacher: Paul Norris

Expectant Faith

26th June 2011
Bible Text: Genesis 6:9-7:6 | Preacher: Paul Norris What are our expectations of what God can do, here and now?
Bible Text: James 1:19-24 | Preacher: Paul Norris | Series: James Part 1 in our series on James looking at being "doers" of the word not just "hearers".
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